Sunday, February 11, 2007

DAY FOURTEEN--a productive weekend

Don't you just love that feeling you get when you have a really productive day? Well for me that was my whole weekend. I worked all night Friday through to Saturday morning. Then Dave and I went downtown to the Phoenix Art Museum. Then we came home and made a good dinner. This morning we took Lou for an hour long walk. We kicked butt in cleaning the house. Went grocery shopping. Made super yummy chicken pot pie and watched the Grammy's. Makes me tired just thinkin' about it. But, not tired enough :) I am going to stay up and watch a movie and make project folders for the stuff I am working on. Just trying out another method of organization trying to find what works for me. Hoping it will make creating even easier :)

So like I said I went to the art museum. It was technically for a school project, but there was a lot of good stuff there. The Thorne miniature rooms are my favorite and coincidentally that is what my project is on. Below are a few pictures of my favorite rooms. They are ones I took myself so they are sort of dark. The first one is the 16th c. Italian Dining Room I chose for my project.

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